Vaccination Program
The aim of vaccination is to protect the progeny from vaccinated breeders from early infections by means of maternally derived antibodies. The immunization of breeding stock, several weeks before onset of lay will efficiently prevent outbreaks of infectious anemia caused by CAV in their progeny. Furthermore, if high uniform antibody levels can be induced in breeding stock, the resulting high levels of maternally derived antibodies (MDA) prevent or at least delay horizontal infection in the progeny and thus prevent or decrease economic losses due to subclinical disease.
Broilers and layer pullets
Currently broilers and layer pullets are not commonly vaccinated against CAV in the field. Early protection is achieved by vaccination of the breeders though MDA.
Breeders are vaccinated during the rearing period between 8-16 weeks of age with a live vaccine. Care should be taken to ensure that vaccination results in high levels of maternally derived antibodies throughout the production period.
For suggested vaccination schedules see the vaccines information leaflets.
The following graph illustrates that higher MDA levels at the beginning of the fattening period guarantee a longer protection in the progeny.

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